
Posts Tagged ‘JavaScript’

Falling in love with REST APIs and Backbone

February 28th, 2013 No comments

How I mentioned in my previous post, there is some stuff that I really like about developing with JavaScript. Especially, working with REST APIs and Backbone is so simple. There just a view steps to do. In my case I have chosen the Qype Rest API. Create your model and define your properties you want to work with.


Get in touch with JavaScript

August 26th, 2012 4 comments

Some time passed since this Adobe public relation dilemma about Flex and Flash happened. Honestly, it hit me very hard. Exactly at this time, I was diving deeper into the Flex 4 Component Framework and tried to adapt my new knowledge to Flex Mobile. After some failures and misunderstandings I was on a good way and I was convinced that the (new) Flex 4 Framework is a real step forward for developing User Interface. For this reason, I got a little bit mad about the whole discussion of HTML5 vs. Flex. I expected that HTML5 + CSS3 + JavaScript will come, but not so fast and powerful. However, I got a good opportunity and checked what it is all about this new hype of web technologies. As a Flex and Flash Develeoper the transition to this open standard development approach is not very difficult, except the tooling is like from another planet.  I had the feeling that finding the right tooling is as difficult as finding the appropriate life partner. There doesn't exist an one simple solution for everything like Flash Builder environment. In my case I recommend for writing Code to use the IDE Webstorm, for debugging I am using Firebug for Firefox. Whatever everyone has his own preferences, so decide for yourself what is the best.


Mr. Doobs Harmony drawing APP ported to MAX / MSP

July 8th, 2010 9 comments

For exploring the JavaScript API in MAX / MSP / Jitter I decided to port the Harmony Web Application by Mr. Doob. I really fall in love with the different brush styles. MAX / MSP / Jitter is pretty cool for doing audio visual stuff, and I think the different brush style might be nice for this. Fortunately, Mr. Doob published the source code and the code is nice, too! Therefore, it was not so difficult to understand the code.  During my porting process I had to consider four things: Read more...