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My papers about Interactive Art

December 28th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

Interface Culture

During the first semester of my study Interface Culture at the University of Art in Linz I had to write some papers about interactive art. My first papers dealt with the history of interactive art and continued with some different art movements in this domain. In some cases I am more or less satisfied with my papers. Anyway, I think every 2page long paper contains some interesting points for Interaction Designer, Web Designer, Web Developer, Web Artists, Computer Scientists etc.. That is the reason why I want to share my written work with you.

Please consider that all my papers here were an assignment for the master classes of Interactive Art by Christa Sommerer. My papers don't meet the requirements of a scientific work despite the fact that the format seems to be scientific. All my texts represent partly more my own thoughts on the different art topics, so please interpret my papers as a short essay or summary. My thoughts are mainly based on the first and second references, which are mentioned at the end of each paper. I highly recommend to read these references, because they are a very good collection for delivering an introduction in the domain of interactive art. Thanks Christa for this great collection of references and the introduction!

Paper: Report about the interactive art exhibition feedback

Christiane Paul wrote an essay about the evolution of feedback and interactive art related to the feedback exhibition. This paper summarizes the most important aspects of Christiane Paul’s article.

Paper: The Passage from Material to Interface

This article describes the transformation from material to interfaces in the artwork based on the text “The Passage from Material to Interface” from Louise Poissant. Louise Poissant wrote about the quality characteristics of material and the transformation of material to an Interface. In relation to this transformation we discuss the tree constituting poles of art. A further issue is the influences of language pragmatics for art movements. Furthermore the text explains the requirements which an artwork must meet to be an interface. Another argument in the text is the function set of interfaces. Based on these definitions we explore the tasks for new media artist for our future life.

Machine Art and their influences for the entertainment industry

This article explores the autonomous evolution in painting to machine art. Photography has influenced this evolution as one of the first machine-based art tools, which are able to create a picture. In this context the text dealt with the role of the artist in machine-based art. The examples of the Video Synthesizer and the Software Art project Sketchmaker shows up this relationship between the artwork, the machine and the artist. After that we explores the influences, which some artworks had for the entertainment industry. Sometimes these connections and influences are more or less obvious.

Paper: Interaction, Participation and Networking Art

This paper is a summary of the essay “Interaction, Participation, Networking Art and telecommunication” from Inke Arns. We explore how the spectator is involved into the artwork and how the participation of art changed in the last 50-60 years. Furthermore, this paper point out the evolution of art and which role participation plays in the art context.

Paper: Interaction between Perception and Memory - Art and Technology in Japan

This paper is a summary of the text "Interaction between Perception and Memory - Art and Technology in Japan in the 1990ies" from Yukiko Shikata. This text will mention a short overview of the evolution of media art and interactive art in 1990s in Europe and how this influenced the beginning of interactive art in Japan in the early 1990s. Furthermore we describe the progress of interactive art in Japan, and which the most meaningful artworks are in the realm of interactive art of the Japanese Culture. Which influences the big disasters of the Japanese economics, the great earthquake and the terrorist attack in Tokyo had on the interactive artworks.

Paper: Telepresence: Automata, Illusion, and Rejecting the Body

Telepresence unites three themes of our intellectual history: a) Automation and the search for artificial intelligence. b) Illusion in art. c) Rejection of the body in concepts of spiritual or mentalist concepts. In this relation we will explore the notion of artificial life for the point a), the aesthetics of virtual realities for point b), and precursors of  telecommunications for point c). Furthermore we will discuss how these three points evolved nowadays. In this context I will mention some robotics developments, cinema 4d installations and some new wearable technologies, which belongs to the domain of telepresence.

  1. admin
    December 29th, 2009 at 15:53 | #1

    In this context the article The History of the Interface in Interactive Art from Söke Dinkla is also a nice read.

  2. Ana Lucia Lage
    June 7th, 2010 at 03:17 | #2

    Boa noite Louise,

    Gostaria muito de ter acesso a uma cópia do seu artigo

    A passagem do material para a interface, publicado no livro DOMINGUES, Diana (org.). Arte, ciência e tecnologia: passado, presente e desafios.

    Vejo que você também publicou uma versão em inglês no Media Art History.

    Estou em Salvador e não consigo obter estes livros com facilidade.
    Sou fluente em inglês, apreciaria qualquer das duas versões.

    Muito obrigado,

    Ana Lucia Lage

  3. admin
    June 7th, 2010 at 16:40 | #3

    Hi Ana Lucia Lage,

    This is a blog of mine. Unfortunately, I don’t have a connection to Louise. So I can’t help you. Or maybe I misunderstood… Can you write a comment in English, because I can’t speak Portuguese.

    Thx, Florian

  4. bager
    October 22nd, 2010 at 22:20 | #4

    Great share!!

  1. December 29th, 2009 at 00:33 | #1
  2. December 29th, 2009 at 01:24 | #2