Just for backup reason a summary of my Twitter messages. It is always a nice way to re-experience the developments of a certain time period. For this reason my most important Twitter messages from April 2016 until June 2016. Read more...
Categories: Design, english, Gedanken, Generative Art, Interaction, Plants, Programming, Technologie Tags: art, books, cool stuff, Design, Games, information design, inspiration, interface design, JavaScript, library, nature, netzwerk, physical computing, Programming, publications, research, streaming, tutorials, video, web
Just for backup reason a summary of my Twitter messages. It is always a nice way to reexperience the developments of a certain time period. For this reason my most important Twitter messages from September 2015 until March 2016. Read more...
Categories: Design, english, Games, Generative Art, Interaction, Plants, Programming, Technologie Tags: art, books, cool stuff, Design, image processing, information design, inspiration, JavaScript, Konzept, netzwerk, physical computing, prototyping, research, tools, tutorials, video, web service
Just for backup reason a summary of my Twitter messages. It is always a nice way to reexperience the developments of a certain time period. For this reason my most important Twitter messages from June 2015 until August 2015. Read more...
Categories: Allgemein, Design, english, Generative Art, Interaction, Programming, Technologie Tags: art, cool stuff, Design, flash, flex, Games, image processing, information design, inspiration, Interaction, interface design, JavaScript, Konzept, physical computing, Programming, prototyping, publications, research, streaming, talks, tracking, tutorials, video, web design
Just for backup reason a summary of my Twitter messages. It is always a nice way to reexperience the developments of a certain time period. For this reason my most important Twitter messages from April 2015 until May 2015. Read more...
Categories: Design, english, Games, Generative Art, Interaction, mobile, Plants, Programming, Technologie Tags: art, Design, information design, Interaction, interface design, nature, netzwerk, physical computing, Programming, research, tools, tutorials, video, web
Just for backup reason a summary of my Twitter messages. It is always a nice way to reexperience the developments of a certain time period. For this reason my most important Twitter messages from January 2015 until March 2015. Read more...
Categories: Allgemein, Design, english, Games, Generative Art, Interaction, mobile, Plants, Programming, Technologie Tags: art, cool stuff, Design, flash, flex, Games, information design, inspiration, Interaction, interface design, JavaScript, nature, physical computing, Programming, prototyping, research, tutorials, video, web
Since the publications of Wikileaks and Edward Snowden, some of our worst worries became true. The Internet got infected by a few sources of power. Mass surveillance by governments and big corporates is the daily routine. People, who fight for transparency are chased (e.g. Netzpolitik.org, Eward Snowden, Aaron Swartz, and other whistle-blowers) or got into some weird trouble. For years, I have the feeling the public discussion about the importance of privacy is very abstract and disconnected for the normal "non-technic" crowd. Even more bad the Open Data movement in the US got also kinda stuck, because there does not exist any really benefit for a goverment to be transparent. Failures (through bad management or even corruption) could be found easier by journalist, but that is not the intent of a running government. However, Edward Snowden tried to explain the problem with the mass surveillance with his famous tweet, which should emphasize why privacy is important and a basic right for a democratic system. Read more...
*** An updated version of the article is available here ***
A couple of months ago, I tinkered around with NodeJS on my local machine. After a while I got kinda addicted to the NodeJS Plattform for webservice (SOA) applications as well as Desktop Apps (Electron/NodeWebkit). Hence more complicated NodeJS experiments will start, I decided to set-up my own webserver environment for my (local) network with a Raspberry Pi 2 B. My tools of choice are:
- Raspian Jessie Lite from 2016-05-27
- GIT v2.1.4: Version control for source code
- NodeJS v6.2.0: for REST APIs and Websocket applications
- Nginx Webserver: Deliver static files, Reverse Proxy for NodeJS, and Load Balancing
- MySQL Server and Client: for Relational Databases
- CouchDB v1.6.1: as my NoSQL Database with strong JavaScript tools
- PM2: NodeJS Process Manager for starting and stoping NodeJS Apps
- Nodeadmin: Admin Tool for MySQL (like PHPmyAdmin)
Let's get started:
Download Raspian Jessie Lite from the foundation website and write the image on your class 10 SD Card. For more information please read this tutorial (in German).
On May 2015, Myriel Milicevic invited me for a Guestlecture & Workshop on Artistic Human Plant Interfaces/Elektrobotanik for her Interfacing with Nature class at University of Applied Science Potsdam. The starting 90-120min lecture provided the students (in that case communication, product, and interface designer) an introduction about interfaces with plants. This includes viusal approaches as well as bio sensing projects.
Categories: english, Plants, Technologie Tags: art, Design, education, Interaction, My Experiments, nature, physical computing, processing, Programming, prototyping, tutorials, workshop
During mid of 2013 until the beginning of 2014, Juliane Springsguth and me had the chance to develop a new game design hacking workshop format for teenagers (Mostly 8th graders around 13-15 years old) in cooperation with "Berufsorientierte Schulprojektwochen (BOP)" organized by the Media Education Institution WeTeK Berlin gGmbH.
Our objective was to generate a tangible and audiovisual output in shape of a Game (Art) installation during the workshop. Furthermore, our intention regarding those young participants was to empower them to express their ideas in a (media) technology driven environment. Officially the objective was that they get a first impression how a job as digital media worker could look like.
Categories: Design, english, Games, Programming Tags: Design, game design, interface design, My Experiments, physical computing, Programming, prototyping, Teaching, tutorials
After launching the online guide for developing medical devices, our team had the chance to rest a little bit and dealt with some minor improvements for the platform in general (see our Kanban Board, other inspirations on Agile Board Hacks).
We used and adapted the Kanban Board method for our coordination.
Beside of those minor tasks on our board, we had to explore these additional user needs for our next milestone:
- Improve user engagement through a customized and personalized online guide
- Increase the level of learning for the online guide without being too theoretical
- Improve decision making skills of a medical product development through online tools
- Improve the quality of grant applications for medical products
After some internal meetings with our copywriters and the medical engineering team, we figured out some key features for our new service in a very abstract sketch.
Categories: Design, english, Interaction, My Experiments Tags: Design, dokumentation, Interaction, interface design, medizintechnologie, prototyping, web, web design