My most important Twitter Messages #4
A small summary of my Twitter messages from November - December 2009:
Allgemein (General)
- Great homepage with top-level talks for creative coders, designer and other artists
- Very interesting media facade project. Partly based on Adobe Air Sorftware
- Nice article: Media Facades: Fundamental terms and concepts
- International Symposium on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging
- Very interesting designer: especially for the domain of wearable technology fashion. Also his blog
- Some inspiration for your wishlist? Physical Computing Ahoi!
- Very cool!! Real SVN Functionality for Photoshop with PixelNovel
- Wiigee is a nice java library for working with gestures and the wiimote. a port for ActionScript would be nice 🙂
- Reuters open MetaData (Semantic Web) Database looks interesting for webservice and information experiments
- Wow! The New York Times began to open their Information Archives!
- Nice Geo coding API for Web 2.0 services
- Interactive installations wanted for the FITC Amsterdam
- Found an archive database for Media Art. Maybe it could be useful during my studies in interactive art
- Nice Graphic about Qualities of Information Design
- Great slides about a good business culture in a creative environment
- fascinated by the Theremin Music instrument and tv documentation (deutsch)
- Yale University's Psychology course on Youtube. **OFF TOPIC**
- Holy shit that is the best parkour action I have ever seen!! **OFF TOPIC**
- Ziemlich interessante Präsentation über die Kombination von Mobile Art und Urban Displays von Jürgen Scheible
- Nett zu lesen: Digitale Nachhaltigkeit – ein Konzept mit Zukunft
Generative Art:
- Interesting blog entry on 'Generative Art' via @Natzke
- Generative Art Tool - out of the box via @generatorx
- Ich bin nun überzeugt und werd mir das Buch kaufen. Visual Programming Lernen vom Feinsten 🙂
- Umfangreiche Artikel Sammlung zum Thema Generative Tools für die digitale Medienkunst
UX and Interaction Design:
- Free Sketching & Wireframing Kit via @fplag
- Great blog about interaction, architecture, space, user experience etc.
- Marking Menus are a very good concept for mouse gestures and menu navigation issues
- Must read article: Open for Business - Designing Social Interfaces -> degree of openness from a technical view
- Wow, very nice idea of a physical computing interface: VoodooIO
- Nice video list of Tangible User Interfaces
- Nice Blog and very good articles: Designing Kinetic and Organic User Interfaces
- Two great articles about User Experience in an Agile Development process (or in Scrum)
Projekte und Experimente (Projects and experiments)
- Amazing sound sculptures from motors & more via @make
- Stumbled again about the lego Time Tracking thing. I really like this nerdy idea
- Should I really try it? a nice net (art) project idea
- Nice project: Ego search visualizer from MIT Lab: the project page
- MIT gestural computing makes multitouch look old hat - Interesting Project
- Looking for SenseWare: My Examples -> funktionide // LiquidWall // Poken
- Pimp your iPhone for RFID
- Wii remote for MAME on iPhone
- Nice experiment! iPhone controlled Arduino tank
- DIY accelerometer controlled USB gamepad
- wow, a 45m long multitouch wall via @jensfranke, @CedricKiefer, @memotv / Don't know if this useful...
- itsme the next generation of personal computing?! I don't know...
- Very cool idea or app for an eyetracker approach
- Microsoft "Courier" secret tablet
Neue Technologie (new Technologies)
- Wow the City Engine Software looks great for Science Fiction and other Urban Movie Post Production stuff
- Transform your real pictures into nice drawings: Research Project GradientShop
Programmierung und Software Design (Programming)
- Frequently Forgotten Fundamental Facts about Software Engineering
- Uh nice topic for Computer Scientist in Media: Opportunistic Programming
Game Developing:
- Blog article: Best Selling Augmented Reality Games of 2009
- Interesting report: Indie Flash Game Development: A 2009 Year-End Retrospective
- A must read for all Flash Indie Game Developer: Badim's Total revenue from last 2 years blog post
- Playyoo is an interesting plattform for Flash Mobile and Flash Lite Game Developer and
- Adobe starts "#Flash Platform #Gaming Technology Center" (Center) via @flashforum
- Some nice and useful video tutorials for the Flash Push Button Game Engine
- Thoughtful article from @GregLoire on Achievement Design 101 via @mochimedia
- Nice Blogpost: Creating a Game Design Document
- Nice article: Running a Game Studio: From Start-Up to Sustainability
Flash and Flex
- Brain Computer Interface ActionScript 3.0 API library released by Sean Moore
- Blog post: 34 cool ActionScript Libraries by Sean Moore
- Great Voronoi open-source library for AS3 published
- Harmcrest is a nice Form and User Interface Input Validation Library and Framework for Flex
- Adobe #Flash and search engine optimization (#SEO): Techniques, issues, and strategies: (via @marcthiele)
- Maybe the Flash Plattform gives P2P a new chance to establish in the area of network (streaming) technologies?!
- Tweetr AS3 Library 0.95 Released by @_sandro check out:
Categories: Allgemein, english, Games, Interaction, mobile, Programming, Technologie art, cool stuff, Design, flash, flex, Games, inspiration, Interaction, interface design, Programming, research, tools