As I already mentioned in an earlier blog post, for reimplementing my "Sound drawing" project to Flash I had to create a communication layer between Max/Msp and Flash. In this blog post I will report about my results and some technical information. If you want to jump directly to the technical part, please skip the part "Why am I doing this". Read more...
For my interactive installation "Sound Drawings" I decided to use the Harmony Drawing application. Meanwhile, the single brush version worked pretty stable with the sound analyzing. There was still one thing missing. It would be much cooler if more than one person can draw on the canvas. From the technical view it was very easy to implement. In the beginning I was a little bit scared if the realtime feedback is still good with more brushes at the same time. It was! For this reason here is the source code and my versions of testing for you.
I prepared a screencast for getting an idea and overview how it works. The principles are exactly the same as in the first version. The only exception is the "brushID" as a new parameter. Every API call uses this syntax:
For creating a new brush use the command "setBrush brushID brushType". Afterwards you can use the API command "setCoordinate brushID xPos yPos" for drawing programmatically. If you want to use the mouse for drawing you must use the API command "selectBrush brushID" before drawing directly on the canvas!
All JavaScript codes and Max / MSP patches are included in the example file. For the sound drawing patch you must install the Max MSP Fiddler object, before you can try experimenting.
In the end of november I was a part of the Sound & Vision 4 concert for Music and Media Technology at the Anton Bruckner University.The Sound & Vision concert serie allows young musician and audio-visual artists to present their new experimental artworks and installations.
Programme #1
Programme #2
In my installation "Sound Drawings" the musicians can use their instruments for drawing an abstract painting. The pitch and the volume of their instruments paint the canvas with an harmonious-sensitive-line-based brush (a digital ribbon brush). The installation tries to put the aesthetic experience of music and visual on an equipollent level. Usually , the music defines the visual experience (see the battle between DJs and VJs) or vice versa. The realtime visual feedback gives the musicians an additional channel for improving and influencing their improvised perfomance. The musicians are oriented towards the visual aesthetics of their drawing and their bandmates. New sounds and musical aesthetics can emerge.
Ende November nahm ich an dem Sound & Vision 4 Konzert für Musik und Medientechnologie an der Anton Bruckner Universität mit meiner Installation "Sound Drawings" teil. Die Sound & Vision Konzertreihe gibt Musikern und Audio-visuellen Programmieren die Möglichkeit ihre neuen experiementellen Klangwelten und Visualisierungen der Öffentlichkeit zu präsentieren.
Programm Flyer Seite 1
Programm Flyer Seite 2
Bei meiner Installation "Sound Drawings" zeichnen Musiker mit Hilfe ihrer Instrumente ein abstraktes Farbenbild von harmonisch schwingenden Linien. Die Tonhöhe und die Lautstärke lässt den digitalen Pinsel an verschiedenen Positionen an der Leinwand gleiten. Die Installation versucht die ästhetischen Erfahrungen zwischen musikalischer und visueller Wahrnehmung auf ein gleichberechtigtes Level zuheben. Normalerweise gibt die Musik den Ton für die Visualisierung, oder und umgehkehrt. Durch das visuelle in Echtzeit generierte Feedback entsteht für die Musiker eine neue Improvisationserfahrungen. Diese neue Erfahrung beeinflusst die Interaktion zwischen den Musikern zusätzlich, und verändert somit die musikalische Ästhetik. Read more...
For exploring the JavaScript API in MAX / MSP / Jitter I decided to port the Harmony Web Application by Mr. Doob. I really fall in love with the different brush styles. MAX / MSP / Jitter is pretty cool for doing audio visual stuff, and I think the different brush style might be nice for this. Fortunately, Mr. Doob published the source code and the code is nice, too! Therefore, it was not so difficult to understand the code. During my porting process I had to consider four things: Read more...