Just for backup reason a summary of my Twitter messages. It is always a nice way to re-experience the developments of a certain time period. For this reason my most important Twitter messages from April 2016 until June 2016. Read more...
Categories: Design, english, Gedanken, Generative Art, Interaction, Plants, Programming, Technologie Tags: art, books, cool stuff, Design, Games, information design, inspiration, interface design, JavaScript, library, nature, netzwerk, physical computing, Programming, publications, research, streaming, tutorials, video, web
Just for backup reason a summary of my Twitter messages. It is always a nice way to reexperience the developments of a certain time period. For this reason my most important Twitter messages from September 2015 until March 2016. Read more...
Categories: Design, english, Games, Generative Art, Interaction, Plants, Programming, Technologie Tags: art, books, cool stuff, Design, image processing, information design, inspiration, JavaScript, Konzept, netzwerk, physical computing, prototyping, research, tools, tutorials, video, web service
Just for backup reason a summary of my Twitter messages. It is always a nice way to reexperience the developments of a certain time period. For this reason my most important Twitter messages from April 2015 until May 2015. Read more...
Categories: Design, english, Games, Generative Art, Interaction, mobile, Plants, Programming, Technologie Tags: art, Design, information design, Interaction, interface design, nature, netzwerk, physical computing, Programming, research, tools, tutorials, video, web
Since the publications of Wikileaks and Edward Snowden, some of our worst worries became true. The Internet got infected by a few sources of power. Mass surveillance by governments and big corporates is the daily routine. People, who fight for transparency are chased (e.g. Netzpolitik.org, Eward Snowden, Aaron Swartz, and other whistle-blowers) or got into some weird trouble. For years, I have the feeling the public discussion about the importance of privacy is very abstract and disconnected for the normal "non-technic" crowd. Even more bad the Open Data movement in the US got also kinda stuck, because there does not exist any really benefit for a goverment to be transparent. Failures (through bad management or even corruption) could be found easier by journalist, but that is not the intent of a running government. However, Edward Snowden tried to explain the problem with the mass surveillance with his famous tweet, which should emphasize why privacy is important and a basic right for a democratic system. Read more...
*** An updated version of the article is available here ***
A couple of months ago, I tinkered around with NodeJS on my local machine. After a while I got kinda addicted to the NodeJS Plattform for webservice (SOA) applications as well as Desktop Apps (Electron/NodeWebkit). Hence more complicated NodeJS experiments will start, I decided to set-up my own webserver environment for my (local) network with a Raspberry Pi 2 B. My tools of choice are:
- Raspian Jessie Lite from 2016-05-27
- GIT v2.1.4: Version control for source code
- NodeJS v6.2.0: for REST APIs and Websocket applications
- Nginx Webserver: Deliver static files, Reverse Proxy for NodeJS, and Load Balancing
- MySQL Server and Client: for Relational Databases
- CouchDB v1.6.1: as my NoSQL Database with strong JavaScript tools
- PM2: NodeJS Process Manager for starting and stoping NodeJS Apps
- Nodeadmin: Admin Tool for MySQL (like PHPmyAdmin)
Let's get started:
Download Raspian Jessie Lite from the foundation website and write the image on your class 10 SD Card. For more information please read this tutorial (in German).
Long time ago I posted my last summary of my Twitter messages, however for me it is always a nice way to reexperience the developments of a time period. For this reason my most important Twitter messages from July 2013 until October 2014. Read more...
Categories: Allgemein, english, Games, Generative Art, Interaction, mobile, Programming, Technologie Tags: cool stuff, image processing, interface design, JavaScript, netzwerk, physical computing, processing, Programming, research, tracking, tutorials, web, web design, webcam
After the introductions “Visualization techniques with plants” and “Biosensing for Human Computer Interaction” the next projects using some of the already mentioned techniques. However, this chapter focuses on various approaches of network and community designs. Previous Land Art initiatives and projects were always closely tied to social and cultural resonance. These efforts resulted in social activations of local communities and local conditions [KastnerWallis2010, pages 15-28].
Our exploration investigates the application of current technology and design tools in this field. We will start with community design approaches that do not need a physical presence of humans. Design approaches for location-based communities with a supportive use of digital communication technology will be described afterwards.
Categories: english, Interaction, Plants, Technologie Tags: art, Design, nature, netzwerk, research, soci, web, web design
As I already mentioned in an earlier blog post, for reimplementing my "Sound drawing" project to Flash I had to create a communication layer between Max/Msp and Flash. In this blog post I will report about my results and some technical information. If you want to jump directly to the technical part, please skip the part "Why am I doing this". Read more...
A small summary of my Twitter messages from March - June 2010:
Categories: Design, english, Games, Generative Art, Interaction, mobile, Programming, Technologie Tags: art, cool stuff, Design, flash, flex, Games, image processing, information design, inspiration, netzwerk, physical computing, processing, Programming, research, streaming, web
During my master studies at the Interface Culture department of the University in Linz I visited the great lecture SENSEWARE - How to Create the Experience's Architecture by Hide Ogawa. In this lecture we learnt and discussed how we can integrate and reproduce emotions + experiences in our technical-based environment. Furthermore, we discussed the roles of the different interactive design disciplines - e.g. Product Designer, Industrial Designer, Interaction Designer, Visual Designer, Experience Designer etc. - and how they work together in the domain of SenseWare products.