My most important Twitter Messages #10
A small summary of my Twitter messages from March - June 2011:
Allgemein (General)
- Very interesting documentation about media (#design): Everything is a remix
- Added the talk: IDEO's Tim Brown in Conversation with Bruce Nussbaum | Parsons The New School for #Design
- videos and talks of see conference are online #design and #infovis
- RT gardens. amazing liquid sculptures.
- This open source search engine or network does not look bad
- Interesting book: Manuel DeLanda: #Philosophy and #Simulation: The Emergence of Synthetic Reason
- Also a very nice plaform for #funding your projects an alternative to
- RT Kickstarter projects success vs fail analysis, stats and links/via @neilhimself
- Really astonished example of stage based #animation! via @JoshuaDavis
Generative Art:
- RT NODE10 - Forum for Digital Arts, Documentary
- Really really enjoyed the talk of Jared Tarbell about #generative #art and how #code goes beyond the desktop
- very cool website for generative and genetic algorithms... Would like to read the book
- Computer #Art and #Typography, check Travis Kirtons work | paper | and his master thesis
Info Design and Visualization
- RT I am quite impressed with think quarterly magazine design and branding. Content looks good, too (via @shervinafshar)
- Yay, my talk from last year's decoded conference is online: "Lasst die Daten sprechen" (German)
- great project about visualizing choreographic structure from dance to data objects
UX and Interaction Design:
- RT Q&A: How to Make TV Apps Work (via @pickone)
- Es wäre interessant die Disziplin Psychotechnik wieder fürs #Interaction #Design aufzuarbeiten
- Found a nice paper Psychophysiology as a Tool for HCI Research: Promises and Pitfalls
- This #paper sounds also very interesting: Evaluation of User Interfaces for #mobile app #development environments
- RT Ultimate Collection of Mobile User Interface Patterns: (via @pickone)
- RT Must Read: @preciousforever: precious presents: Patterns for Multiscreen Strategies
- Great article by @grigs: Where are the Mobile First Responsive Web Designs?
- Golden Rules for Bad User Interfaces via @timperrett
- It's a pretty old article but still interesting to read: A History of the GUI
- RT Great collection: The Buxton Collection (via @BogieZero, @stefanwoelwer)
- Nice conference and resource for Sonic #Interaction #Design and their proceedings
- Nice to read: The Theory Behind Social Interaction Design
Projekte und Experimente (Projects and experiments)
- RT Great project: Kater - Tangible robots for multitouch tables (via @tillnm)
- Extending the Touchscreen - #device control development | blog
- Nice project for information #visualization on #architecture and #urban #spaces
Neue Technologie (new Technologies)
- Researchers have discovered a universal property of musical scales.
- a state-of-the art report: Augmented Reality for Smartphones
- Nice mind map about augmented reality development
- TLD is a real-time algorithm for #tracking of unknown objects | source
- MotionBeam project - Non-Flat #Displays for #mobile devices| paper
Programmierung und Software Design (Programming)
- RT Initial impressions of Amazon Cloud Drive / Player good start, TONs of promise, needs some polish
- OpenPlug Studio now Free-for-All #developers #mobile | article
- RT IgnoCodeLib a new library to export Adobe Illustrator Files AI7 directly from processing
- PSmile - Smile Detection library for #Processing by Bryan Chung via @CedricKiefer but it seems only for Mac OSX...
- #OpenGL library for #processing ->GLGraphics
- Tutorial: Using JavaDB from #Processing
- RT Great starting point for toxiclibs: #processing
- Working with #Toxiclibs - #Processing tutorial by Amnon Owed | CreativeApplications.Net
- Another great tutorial about using eclipse for processing
- Building Interactive Installations with OpenCV - #processing
- RT Processing Tools "InitSketch" got updates to work with processing 1.5
- RT in addition to the InitSketch processing tool, there was just released a SaveTemplate Tool
- RT source for serial comms over audio used on @imogenheap twitter dress
- Ruby meets creative coding (via @rdrb)
Physical Computing
- Interesting system for programming your spatial home
- RT Meet the IOIO for Android - USB access to your Android-based phone
- Interesting #DIY 3d Printer project
- An easy to use alternative to arduino
- very interesting article about #arduino and #android | google video presentation
- nice article: Using #Android ADK with a standard #Arduino Uno and USB Host Shield
- Make: Projects is a living library for makers, nice place for getting inspiration
Game Developing:
- RT Excellent active tuts article on Euclidean Vectors in AS3 by @DanielSidhion
- RT Learn about #Flash virtual game controllers for touch-based devices w/ this #article from @FlashGen
- quickb2 simplifies the usage of box2d physic library | tutorial
- RT Gaming Developer Center | Rendering animated models in mobile games
- Introduction for Pushbutton Engine
- Electrotank Universe Platform (EUP) is an interesting #game #server environment for Social MMO games
- Game Closure launches HTML5-based cross-platform game technology
- RT gSkinner: This is awesome! A very robust RPG game engine built on top of EaselJS
- The Art of Video Game Title Screens
- New version of Level Editor DAME 2 available | a review
Flash and Flex
- RT gSkinner: Finally got around to adding a few more items to my AS3Libs Github repo. Nearly done
- RT “@github_as3: as3-utils - reusable package-level functions that solve common problems” quite handy stuff!
- cocoon-p2p: a library for #ActionScript focussed on local IP multicast (create #iOS remote controls)
- RT That might come useful sometime - Sending Bluetooth commands via AIR using native process
- BabelFX is a #localizing framework for #Flash & #Flex apps | article
- RT Looks interesting for #Flex#Java#Enterprise apps, the Athena framework. Session/EntityManager for Client Side #ORM
- RT Interactive Lab is proud to release open-source an essential part of our multi-touch framework - #as3#tuio#osc parser
- RT Flex Developer Center | Introducing Adobe Flex 4.5 SDK
- Good preso on #Flex #performance with the new 4.5 SDK #skinning
- RT Flex Developer Center | Flex mobile skins – Part 1: Optimized skinning basics
- RT Incorporate #GPS in your #mobile #app with this #Adobe #Flex 4.5 #SDK walkthrough tutorial:
- RT Article about persistant data when developing #mobile apps with #Flex 4.5
- A very nice #tutorial series about item renderers for #Flex 4.5 mobile devices
- RT Flash Builder Developer Center | ActionScript Code Coverage Plug-in for Flash Builder
- RT Kudos to ZaaLabs for ZaaIL the super-useful alchemy port of DevIL
- RT @flashforum: FlashFirebug: A Firefox extension that allows developers to debug AS3 flash files
- ActionScript 3.0 Communication in Parallel Programming
- RT Moonshine (AS3 IDE in AIR) (via @elsassph)
- using the #Photoshop #Touch SDK with #AS3
- RT Media Measurement in Flash Player 10.3
Categories: Design, english, Games, Generative Art, Interaction, mobile, Programming, Technologie cool stuff, flash, flex, fotografie, image processing, information design, Interaction, physical computing, Programming, talks, video, web design