Just for backup reason a summary of my Twitter messages. It is always a nice way to re-experience the developments of a certain time period. For this reason my most important Twitter messages from April 2016 until June 2016. Read more...
Categories: Design, english, Gedanken, Generative Art, Interaction, Plants, Programming, Technologie Tags: art, books, cool stuff, Design, Games, information design, inspiration, interface design, JavaScript, library, nature, netzwerk, physical computing, Programming, publications, research, streaming, tutorials, video, web

Just for backup reason a summary of my Twitter messages. It is always a nice way to reexperience the developments of a certain time period. For this reason my most important Twitter messages from September 2015 until March 2016. Read more...
Categories: Design, english, Games, Generative Art, Interaction, Plants, Programming, Technologie Tags: art, books, cool stuff, Design, image processing, information design, inspiration, JavaScript, Konzept, netzwerk, physical computing, prototyping, research, tools, tutorials, video, web service

Just for backup reason a summary of my Twitter messages. It is always a nice way to reexperience the developments of a certain time period. For this reason my most important Twitter messages from June 2015 until August 2015. Read more...
Categories: Allgemein, Design, english, Generative Art, Interaction, Programming, Technologie Tags: art, cool stuff, Design, flash, flex, Games, image processing, information design, inspiration, Interaction, interface design, JavaScript, Konzept, physical computing, Programming, prototyping, publications, research, streaming, talks, tracking, tutorials, video, web design

Just for backup reason a summary of my Twitter messages. It is always a nice way to reexperience the developments of a certain time period. For this reason my most important Twitter messages from April 2015 until May 2015. Read more...
Categories: Design, english, Games, Generative Art, Interaction, mobile, Plants, Programming, Technologie Tags: art, Design, information design, Interaction, interface design, nature, netzwerk, physical computing, Programming, research, tools, tutorials, video, web

Just for backup reason a summary of my Twitter messages. It is always a nice way to reexperience the developments of a certain time period. For this reason my most important Twitter messages from January 2015 until March 2015. Read more...
Categories: Allgemein, Design, english, Games, Generative Art, Interaction, mobile, Plants, Programming, Technologie Tags: art, cool stuff, Design, flash, flex, Games, information design, inspiration, Interaction, interface design, JavaScript, nature, physical computing, Programming, prototyping, research, tutorials, video, web

Some time ago, I posted a ‘making of’ series about the low-budget project wasfuttern.de. This time I will blog about the development process of the current bigger (3-5 years) web project in the field of medical engineering in Germany. My writings intend to give Interaction Designer and User Experience specialist an insight view what I have learnt from this project.
When I started end of 2012, the publication Website: Nationaler Strategieprozess "Innovationen in der Medizintechnik" appeared and stated Germany needs more informational transparency about the medical engineering industry. The medical engineer stakeholders should be better connected to each other. And on-going, start-ups, small and mid-sized businesses need more support during their certification process within EU.
As one solution for these problems an online platform for the medical engineering community in Germany was proposed.
Categories: Design, english, Interaction, My Experiments Tags: books, Design, dokumentation, information design, interface design, Konzept, medizintechnologie, My Experiments, web design

Long time ago I started posting my last summary of my Twitter messages. It is always a nice way to reexperience the developments of a certain time period. For this reason my most important Twitter messages from Ocotber 2014 until January 2015. Read more...
Categories: Design, english, Games, Generative Art, Interaction, mobile, Plants, Programming, Technologie Tags: animation, cool stuff, Design, flash, flex, game design, information design, interface design, internet of things, JavaScript, physical computing, research, video, web, web design, web service

The theoretical and practical part of this thesis proposed techniques and applications for Human Plant Interfaces. The results of the qualitative analysis and the practical work exposed evidences for the relevance of the topic Human Plant Interaction.
The theoretical analysis pointed out that plants are a valid material for visualization applications. The applied techniques are heavily depending on the data characteristics. For long term data visualization the usage of plant displays with their changing appearance ability through plants growth is an appropriate tool. In contrast to this, visualizing real-time data requires a different approach. Simple data values or the visualizations of state changes in an interactive system can be performed through kinetic gestures of a plant (e.g. movement of branches). More complex data can be visualized with the help of projection mapping techniques. The physical size of these visualizations varied from small (table-size) to huge.
Nowadays information becomes more pervasive and crucial in a knowledge-based society [ZhaoMoere2008]. Therefore it is important for a society to develop an easy access to communicate meaning and functionality of information [MoereOffenhuber2009]. The easiest information access exists in our natural everyday physical environment. Public screens attempt to address this task. Unfortunately, current public screens hold several disadvantages for our public environment. They need a dedicated flat surface, illuminating their surrounded environments, and address only the visual sense. Furthermore, people often associate public screens with advertisement and pay less attention to them [MoereOffenhuber2009]. Therefore, it is rational to investigate information displays beyond the traditional screen-based visualizations. Plants are one of these objects, which are omnipresent in our daily physical environment. For this reason, data sculptures with plants might be an alternative approach to solve the problems of public screens and reach wide audiences. The following artworks are interpreted as the next development steps of the contemporary plant-based artworks from chapter 2.3 “Ethnobotany”. In this stage electronic and digital technology is applied to plants.
Within the scope of my research I will present a qualitative evaluation of visualizing techniques with plants. The evaluation model is based on the comparison methods developed by Andrew Vande Moere, Dietmar Offenhuber [MoereOffenhuber2009], and as well as Matthew Brehmer, and Tamara Munzner (2013) [BrehmerMunzer]. The evaluation result reveals their visual encoding techniques, and which characteristic of data they visualize. Furthermore, the outcome assigns approaches of creating more intriguing, and easy memorable visualizations. Read more...

My old blog post about visualizing data with plants was a summary of related artworks. But for my master thesis, I had to apply a theoretical analysis method. The result is supposed to be a more (scientific) valuable evaluation of visualization techniques with plants. Here is the first version of it.
Nowadays information becomes more pervasive and crucial in a knowledge-based society [1]. Therefore it is important for a society to develop an easy access to communicate meaning and functionality of information [2]. The easiest information access exists in our natural everyday physical environment. Public Screens attempt to address this task. Unfortunately, current public screens hold several disadvantages for our public environment. They need a dedicated flat surface, illuminating their surrounded environments, and address only the visual sense. Furthermore, people often associate public screens with advertisement and pay less attention to them [2]. Therefore, it is rational to investigate information displays beyond the traditional screen-based visualizations. Plants are one of these objects, which are omnipresent in our daily physical environment. For this reason, data sculptures with plants might be an alternative approach to solve the problems of public screens and reach wide audiences. Read more...