My most important Twitter Messages #5
A small summary of my Twitter messages from Januar - February 2010:
Allgemein (General)
- Alexis Milant is a great video artist. Especially this video I like very much
- RT @golan: Just discovered that Ars Electronica is putting their archives on Vimeo
- Nice list of demos and good points for #creative #visual #flash prorgramming. Thx to @mrdoob
- Sehr coole Auswahl von Videokunstwerken - Arte Video Art Night Marathon
- Funny interactive (media) installation Moving Mario thx @Bager for the link
- Nice Project. The Sand-Printer via @make
- Interesting Master Program: European Masters in Ludic Interfaces
- One of the best stage-based animations I have seen yet. Chunky Move's Mortal Engine
- Interesting book puplished: Interactive Architecture Book Homepage
- iFreeTablet the free alternative from ipad much cheaper and all open source. via @mcanet
- Open source hardware - feature story in Wired - In the Next Industrial Revolution, Atoms Are the New Bits
- Cool Java-based circuit simulator. a good helper for physical computing experiments
- Hm is this an interesting master study or just a trend study for getting new students: MA Social Media
- puredyne - USB-bootable GNU/LINUX OS for creative media via @shervinafshar
- Sehr guter und informativer Artikel zum Thema #Wissensmanagement (3.0). Nur der Schluss ist ein wenig schwach..
Generative Art:
- Ich bin nun überzeugt und werd mir das Buch kaufen. Visual Programming Lernen vom Feinsten
- RT @rafiqelmansy Fractal Art: Inspiration with Equations
- Really great generative art experiment - Alice in Wonderland, which worked with text as material and flash
Info Design and Visualization
- RT @grumplet: 7500 words by Henry Hadlow in one image. Reviews, Photosynth,, SeadragonCool info design project: Knowledge Cartography via MStäbler,other nice project
- COMPUTATIONAL INFORMATION DESIGN (PHD Thesis) or Book from Ben Fry available as a PDF download
- Choosing Colours for Data Visualization (.pdf) - prostheticknowledge
- RT Upcoming later this year: O'Reilly's "Beautiful Visualization" featuring a chapter on "X by Y"
UX and Interaction Design:
- RT interaction design history slideshow (via @ighfggmuend)
- PhD Thesis: An Exploration of Multi-finger Interaction on Multi-touch Surfaces by Shahzad Malik as a PDF Download
- Nice list and maybe useful for some research papers... A DIRECTORY OF SOURCES FOR INPUT TECHNOLOGIES by Bill Buxton
- Nice system!! MultiTouch Cell is the first multitouch LCD for fully scalable display arrays
- Again,I highly recommend this book for Mobile Interface Design.It is old but many interface concepts are still upToDate
- Now I am convinced about the advantages of for Interaction Designer. Rapid Prototyping Tool for Remote Devices
- Disappearing mobile devices - a paper and concept by Hasso Plattner Institut Potsdam
- 50 Free UI and Web Design Wireframing Kits, Resources and Source Files via @smashingmag
- RT @fuelinterface Amazing Alternative Interfaces That Will Change Our Lives | Fuel Your Interface ->Interesting overview
- scalable actuated shape display from MIT's Tangible Media Group
- Physical Gestures to Document Design Research
- Dan Saffer's Talk: Researching and Designing Interactive Gestures
Projekte und Experimente (Projects and experiments)
- Nice Project from MIT: High Low Tech
- Wearable Technologies and other High and Low Tech Stuff from the MIT via @make interesting video report!
- Secret handshake of the future from the tangible Interface class of the MIT via @make
RT “Notput” is an interactive music table with tangible notes, that combines all three senses of hearing, sight and touch:
- LED Galaxy Dress by CuteCircuit is World’s Largest Wearable Display
- Great use of Augmented Reality! LEGO Manual With ARToolKit
- That is a really crazy map-location-based mash up demo - augmented-reality maps by microsoft
- EKG-controlled Game of Life hoodie via @make
- TouchDesigner, an authoring tool for building interactive 3D art, visualizations
Neue Technologie (new Technologies)
- A Dynamic Facade
- Nice examples and nice #augmented reality SDK for common #mobile Devices | SDK
Programmierung und Software Design (Programming)
- Let Arduino communicate with each other. Arduino control the other Arduino.Maybe the new Adruino Virus?!via @make
- Xuggler is the easy way to uncompress, modify, and re-compress any media file (or stream) from Java to a red5 server
- Live Screencast in Flash mit Red5 und Java Streaming Library
- VH Java Screen Capture SDK looks nice... Hopefully it will not become so expensive..
- Freeware: VH Screen Capture Driver supports C++, C#, Java, Delphi, etc
Game Developing:
- Playyoo is an interesting plattform for Flash Mobile and Flash Lite Game Developer and
- Interesting report: Indie Flash Game Development: A 2009 Year-End Retrospective
- Blog article: Best Selling Augmented Reality Games of 2009
- Flash Game License: Looking Back at 2009: Trends and Statistics
- Very cool styles for Casual Computer Games: Skateboard // Jump N Run Adventure
- RT Getting Started: PushButton Engine recording from #SeaFlex last night: (via @jnbeck)
- Wow! a big Graphical User Interface Collection of Games. Useful for research in interaction design in Games
- Fast statistic consumption... RT @dotmick: Videogame Statistics
- Cool game design prototypes for tangible interfaces: DaVinci (Microsoft Surface Physics Illustrator)
- SurfaceScapes 2.0 demo - A further nice tangible Game Interface idea!
- Nice article about creating a MMO browser game with Flash (Game: zOMG)
- RT Addressing color blindness in (game) design (via @elsassph)
- Looks good: Flash Gaming on NVIDIA Tablets
- Two great tutorials for particle effects with flint: Introduction Flint in a Game
Flash and Flex
- Brain Computer Interface ActionScript 3.0 API library released by Sean Moore
- RT New #Processing book by Ira Greenberg, The Essential Guide to Processing for Flash Developers, is here!
- RT @_sandro Highly interesting! Jangaroo - Actionscript 3 to Javascript Compiler! - i think i'm in love 🙂
- Nice list: 5 useful Flash applications listed by Mihai CORLAN
- xmoovStream PHP video server for Flash. Not real Streaming, but progressive download with seeking functionality
- RT Red5 Developer Series videos from @newviewnetworks look awesome!
- RT We just released ASDocr, an AIR 2.0 app for working w/ASDoc. Makes documenting AS3 code much easier!
- RT Here it is: @matthbooth's excellent webcam light-painting tutorial -
- This Controlling the rain project with Arduino and Flash gives a nice introduction into physical computing
- Good introduction video tutorial for the Flash Gaia Website Framework
- Whitpaper about Flex (Slider) Framework and mobile devices
- Great resources for optimizing your content for flash mobile devices
A really useful set of ActionScript classes and utilities "to get you coding faster and more reliably":
- Pixelwave, framework for iPhones Games/Apps, based completely on the Flash AS3 API #iphone #flash (via @fplag)
- You can monetize your Flex Components, Flex and Air applications with
- FlashSURF by Eugene is an impressive image-based pattern recognition library for Flash
Categories: Allgemein, english, Games, Generative Art, Interaction, mobile, Technologie books, cool stuff, Design, flash, flex, game design, image processing, information design, Interaction, interface design, mobile, Programming, research, talks, video, web, webcam