Home > Allgemein, Design, english, Games, Generative Art, Interaction, mobile, Plants, Programming, Technologie > My most important Twitter Messages #19

My most important Twitter Messages #19

Twitter von der hess

Just for backup reason a summary of my Twitter messages. It is always a nice way to reexperience the developments of a certain time period. For this reason my most important Twitter messages from January 2015 until March 2015.

Allgemein (General)

Generative Art:

Info Design and Data Visualization

 UX and Interaction Design:

Projekte und Experimente (Projects and experiments)

Neue Technologie (new Technologies)

Programmierung und Software Design (Programming)

Physical Computing

Digital Archives


Wearable Technology

Digital Health, mHealth and Telemedicine:

Bio Design and other Art stuff

Game Developing:



Flash and Flex

Decentralize Web

  • wallabag.org is nice tool for saving and #archive your web research efforts #science #research #web_reference #indieweb
  • sandstorm.io seems to be THE personal server for hackersAndTinker (even for #IoT apps).Hopefully it gets stable soon
  • The UBOS project is a great answer of the #indieweb community for #raspberrypi user ubos.net (also for #IoT apps) #owncloud

Sonstiges / Other stuff:

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