My most important Twitter Messages #23
Just for backup reason a summary of my Twitter messages. It is always a nice way to re-experience the developments of a certain time period. For this reason my most important Twitter messages from April 2016 until June 2016.
Allgemein (General)
- Learning Plattform for creative technology #tutorials #lecture #learning #media #design #technology #programming
- Journal of Design and Science by #MIT Media Lab and… #research #publication #design #science
- RT As always, Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends deck is full of fantastic data - Always a good read.
- RT Higher Faster Further – Technik auf den Leib gerückt: via @formmagazine
- RT The Current State of Machine Intelligence” by @shivon
- One reason why I am taking my off-time #thinking #sabbatical #Exploration
- RT How Social networks are turning the internet into television. Read my article.
- Really don't like how the #Facebook News Feed behaves. Maybe it's time for | another article
- Critical read on #ixd #design and online Services:How #Technology Hijacks People’s Minds
- Really nice text for all #techies #developer and product #designer: Human scale technology by Jesse Kriss
- RT On designing humane software by optimizing for the right things:
- RT the unintentional irony of peeking at the view count for
- Interesting read and explorative thinking especially in context of #brain Computer Interface #bci #neuroscience
- I got some good reads this week: Web Diversity | Underdogs Myths and Questioning 3D Printing Rev
- Nice read: How Early Computer #Games Influenced #Internet #Culture Link via @fkirschner
- RT The emotional arcs of stories are dominated by six basic shapes
- RT "The Maker Movement is about making things that you care about.”
- RT The result of Prix Ars Electronica 2016 - Interactive Art +
- RT Good read about harmony in #Teamwork: What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team
- Great talk by a turkey, who reflects agile #scrum #agile #developers #team #organization
- Really nice book about #Art and #collaboration spaces in #Berlin
- Nice read& Vision: Beyond the machine: Making ecological organisations re by MIKE MCALLUM #business #working #future
- Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered might be an interesting book towards a lean start up management
- nice list: A handy guide to making money in #opensource #business #indiedev #survival
- Nice read: Why is #Sketching (Still) Important (To #Design)? by James Self #ideation #exploring #concept
- That toolkit is very interesting regarding @worrydream presentation "Seeing Spaces"
Generative Art:
- RT "Drawing made easy : a helpful book for young artists", 1921 -
- RT This 1967 book about creative play with paper is from the same series as "Punkt und Linie"
- RT Another book from the "Creative Series" has just arrived, "Die Fläche", 1969 showing circle packing without code.
- RT Experiments in Motion Graphics, John Whitney, 1968
- RT in Berlin this summer and want to get into machine learning? there's 2 spots left in my course at @SchoolOfMaaa
- RT Here is the recording of our #io16 talk "Machine Learning and Art"
- RT [NEW] Free Report: #MachineLearning for Designers @PatrickHebron
- RT "Learning a Manifold of Fonts": incl. fun interactive demo.
- RT We needed more tile variations, so I implemented some texture synthesis algorithms
- RT Remarkable #openscience contributions by @open_ai sharing :: Generative Models: research and code! #DeepLearning
- RT "Mindful Algorithms: the new role of the designer in generative design" - by @sayway:
- RT Building Form Generation by Parametric Design [pdf] via
- RT A Blender script to procedurally generate 3D spaceships from a random seed
Visual Programming
- RT A Primer on Bézier Curves
- RT Here’s the cubic bezier component I promised 🙂 SOURCE (GH):
- RT 4 new toxiclibs.js + @p5xjs examples polysmooth, polyclipping, bezier tween, force directed
- RT One of my pieces based on the React-diffusion tutorial by @shiffman Find more:
- RT Drape: a fabric design and simulation tool & #javascript #threejs
- RT Real-time particle-based 3D fluid simulation in #webgl (video)
Info Design and Data Visualization
- RT 20year anniversary of @EdwardTufte 1994 @TheLancet paper on visualizing medical information. Essential for MDs & UIXs
- The current state of open data in the US government via @opensourceway
- RT Measuring color in the field, many practical examples + SalmoFan! #color #metrics
- RT Finally! Here are the interactive slides to my @OpenVisConf talk "SVGs beyond mere shapes"
- RT Extensive workshop materials on web-based mapping — d3, mapbox, leaflet, … from @enjalot
- RT Brutal amount of tricky spherical math encapsulated in @mbostock's new d3-geo:
- RT If you want nice and simple US state projections in #D3js, check out d3.geo.statePlane
- RT #d3js + VR by Roger Kenny
- RT Sieht so aus als ob die Großstädte Energie absaugen (Mobility & Pendeln) würden... #landflucht ?! #future #urban #city #infovis #germany
UX and Interaction Design:
- Nice article by Cameron Tonkinwise: the Interaction #Design - Public Intellectual #ixd #research #academic #society
- Research on the intersection of industrial and interface design |… |…
- RT Why have I never used Wekinator before? A fabulously easy way to have machine learning in interactive projects:
Projekte und Experimente (Projects and experiments)
- RT Edition 3 of the Transparency Grenade installed at Ex Nihilo (Brussels) Opening on the 15th.
- RT Audio hits it home. A scientist's field recordings document a species going extinct: via @ziyatong cc @extinctsymbol
- RT Sieht so aus als ob die Großstädte Energie absaugen (Mobility & Pendeln) würden... #landflucht ?! #future #urban #city #infovis #germany
- RT Project Bloks - Creating a development platform for tangible programming
- RT Project Bloks - an open hardware platform for tangible programming for kids
- RT Soundgrain : Graphical interface allows drawing & editing trajectories to control synthesis
- RT Invent a Boston Dynmaics-esque pet robot with littleBits & LEGO
- RT Build and race squirmy, crawling, cardboard inchworm robots!
- RT #STEAM Challenge: Teach anatomy with animatronics! A project from our Toledo, Spain chapter
- RT say hello to the cute new yamaarashi fiducials ... more than a million symbols with a smaller and uniform footprint
- RT This is really cool: Paint of Persia: rotoscoping pixel-art tool by @dunindunin #gamedev
Neue Technologie (new Technologies)
- RT Anticipate future concepts before they begin from unlabeled video
- RT AutoHair: Project to construct realistic model of hairstyle based on single portrait photo
- RT Perspective-aware Manipulation of Portrait Photos: @PrincetonCS research improves selfie captured portraits
- RT #AI #emotions detector #affectiva #ComputerVision
- RT Our video crew delivers! My talk from #PWADevSummit about instant loading and HTTP/2 is up already
Programmierung und Software Design (Programming)
- RT What makes software good? Observations on designing for humans.
- RT The fastest web-based code editor is now available standalone
- RT A selection of resources to learn about #ArtificialIntelligence #DeepLearning compiled by @memotv on medium
Physical Computing
- RT We added new boards to our #GuidesbyMake! Check out the updated Maker's Guide to Boards:
- RT Controllerism : Website for comparing MIDI controllers and small MIDI keyboards
- RT More about the new @Raspberry_Pi cameras, one is infrared - perfect for interactive works
- RT Arduino Motion Detection With A Bit Of Wire - Hackaday
- RT Sun tracking system for more solar power #piday #RaspberryPi @Raspberry_Pi
- RT How to Run Your ESP8266 for Years on a Battery 🔋
- RT How to make an amazon echo with a PI to be honest, it's more than 3 clicks, so never doing that
- RT How Punch Cards and Arduino Close the Gap on Hacked Knitting
- Super Tutorials für #RaspberryPi und hier super OnlineShop
- RT LEDs come in all shapes and sizes - Find the right one for your project:
- great resource for physical computing tutorials #arduino #electronic #hardware #motors #IC #network
- RT Very detailed how-to for #MQTT for #homeautomation with #arduino #ESP8266 and #RaspberryPi
- Dream Toolkit for #IoT: Running @thingspeak and #freeboard on a @Raspberry_Pi
- RT Nice #tutorial about installing a standalone @thingspeak instance on your @Raspberry_Pi
- New blog post and #tutorial about installing current versions of #nodejs, @CouchDB and #MySQL on your #RaspberryPi
Digital Archives
- RT Amazing! "Download Original Bauhaus Books & Journals for Free: Gropius, Klee, Kandinsky & More" via @openculture
- RT Paul Klee's Notebooks Are Now Online. 3900 Pages of Bauhaus Teachings (1921-1931)
Digital Health, mHealth and Telemedicine:
- RT "Risk literacy" in medical decision-making @sciencemagazine - patients will need tools to understand uncertainty
Bio Design and other Art stuff
- RT PLANT PRACTICE: @raspeditor
- RT More about Critical Plant Studies @BrillPublishing here
- RT Nice read: We need a cure for #plant blindness by Robbie Blackhall-Miles #gardening #perception #nature #botanic
- Just uploaded my slides from an talk some years ago: Artistic #Research on Human Plant Interfaces #Berlin
- New blog post and #lecture: Workshop Human #Plant Interfaces #sensing #design sorry for mixing #EN& #DE
- Interesting #plant / #botanic #PHD studentships #bioart #bioinformatics #biotech #biotechnlogy #Study #research
- NASA guide to #air filtering house #plants and… #nature #design #research #wellbeing
- RT Check out awesome #FarmHack #network connecting together #farmers, #hackers, #creators to democratise #farming
- #opensource #openhardware Farmbot #plants #agriculture #farming #IoT #gardening #inspiration #diy
- Best plant starter care kit I have seen yet | guide powered with an #Arduino #IoT #plants
- The NHBS website is definitely the sparkfun for botany, plant science and wildlife #nature #shop #tools #biology
- learning aeroponics with #RaspberryPi
- RT Trees that can talk : "Protecting the rainforests with #IoT and recycled phones"
Game Developing:
- RT Pretty cool technique: Photoshop as game editor!
- RT A first look at the Arcade Physics 2 API for Lazer
- RT Gamasutra: Jakob Rasmussen's Blog - Are Behavior Trees a Thing of the Past?
- New blog post: Workshop Format: Create a #Game (Art) Installation #scratch #makeymakey #learning #kids #hacking
- RT at 11:
- RT 10 Areas Where Tooling Makes Node.js Developers More Productive, Part 1 - DZone Web Dev via @instapaper
- Mastering your #JS knowledge and build #security #nodejs apps
- RT Design and Build Your Own #JavaScript Library: Tips & Tricks -
- RT run JS on the GPU... 😱
- RT Here’s the cubic bezier component I promised 🙂 SOURCE (GH):
- RT Drape: a fabric design and simulation tool & #javascript #threejs
- RT Updated my WebMidi library to v2. Use your keytar to control a web page (or vice versa). #webmidi #webaudio
- RT New @p5xjs sound tutorial: Synthesis
- RT Free : "Sensing The World", another chapter of my upcoming "Physical Computing for Web Developers" book
- Waypoint - a #JS library for your scrolling single page app
- Diving into #angular2 | ||
- RT Data Sync Beyond Progressive Web Apps: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:
- RT Thanks to the awesome @NickColley is now Service Worker enabled -
- Great article and resource for working with #nodejs and #RaspberryPi #camera and #js #video
Flash and Flex
- My Flash past is fading out more and more #goodmemories
Decentralize Web
- RT Nice read: The Web’s Creator Looks to Reinvent It
- RT New website for @remotestorage_ is looking great!
- RT We're honored to be part of @libraryfreedom 's list of tools to help libraries become more tech-savvy and secure:
- RT Videos from IndieWeb Summit 2016 are online!
Sonstiges / Other stuff:
- Tipps for #Workshop Mania: Organizing and your own machine #Setup and #wood
- RT I'm so heartbroken to hear about the attack in Istanbul, Turkey. This image is so sad, but so true.
- RT thinking a lot about the "OK Art Manifesto" recently, by Susie Ramsay & @errafael
- RT sign up for #openscience #openhardware: GOSH Manifesto!
Categories: Design, english, Gedanken, Generative Art, Interaction, Plants, Programming, Technologie art, books, cool stuff, Design, Games, information design, inspiration, interface design, JavaScript, library, nature, netzwerk, physical computing, Programming, publications, research, streaming, tutorials, video, web