
Posts Tagged ‘prototyping’

My most important Twitter Messages #22

April 15th, 2018 No comments

Twitter von der hess

Just for backup reason a summary of my Twitter messages. It is always a nice way to reexperience the developments of a certain time period. For this reason my most important Twitter messages from September 2015 until March 2016. Read more...

My most important Twitter Messages #21

December 26th, 2017 No comments

Twitter von der hess

Just for backup reason a summary of my Twitter messages. It is always a nice way to reexperience the developments of a certain time period. For this reason my most important Twitter messages from June 2015 until August 2015. Read more...

My most important Twitter Messages #19

June 6th, 2017 No comments

Twitter von der hess

Just for backup reason a summary of my Twitter messages. It is always a nice way to reexperience the developments of a certain time period. For this reason my most important Twitter messages from January 2015 until March 2015. Read more...

Guestlecture and Workshop Human Plant Interfaces

May 12th, 2016 No comments

Plant Colour Patterns

On May 2015, Myriel Milicevic invited me for a Guestlecture & Workshop on Artistic Human Plant Interfaces/Elektrobotanik for her Interfacing with Nature class at University of Applied Science Potsdam. The starting 90-120min lecture provided the students (in that case communication, product, and interface designer) an introduction about interfaces with plants. This includes viusal approaches as well as bio sensing projects.



Workshop Format: Create a Game (Art) Installation

May 7th, 2016 5 comments

During mid of 2013 until the beginning of 2014, Juliane Springsguth and me had the chance to develop a new game design hacking workshop format for teenagers (Mostly 8th graders around 13-15 years old) in cooperation with "Berufsorientierte Schulprojektwochen (BOP)" organized by the Media Education Institution WeTeK Berlin gGmbH.

Our objective was to generate a tangible and audiovisual output in shape of a Game (Art) installation during the workshop. Furthermore, our intention regarding those young participants was to empower them to express their ideas in a (media) technology driven environment. Officially the objective was that they get a first impression how a job as digital media worker could look like.


Personalize the online platform

May 3rd, 2016 2 comments


After launching the online guide for developing medical devices, our team had the chance to rest a little bit and dealt with some minor improvements for the platform in general (see our Kanban Board, other inspirations on Agile Board Hacks). Kanban Board

We used and adapted the Kanban Board method for our coordination.


Beside of those minor tasks on our board, we had to explore these additional user needs for our next milestone:

  • Improve user engagement through a customized and personalized online guide
  • Increase the level of learning for the online guide without being too theoretical
  • Improve decision making  skills of a medical product development through online tools
  • Improve the quality of grant applications for medical products

After some internal meetings with our copywriters and the medical engineering team, we figured out some key features for our new service in a very abstract sketch.


Prototyping an online development guide for medical devices

April 16th, 2016 1 comment


At my last blog post, I have told you that it was not possible to launch the development guide for medical devices from the beginning of our online platform This blog post describes the design and prototyping process of our development guide for medical device engineers.


Create speaker on the body of a leaf

November 27th, 2015 1 comment

For almost more than a year I wanted to write a tutorial about how to create a speaker on a leaf. Unfortunately, I found no time to write one. I think it is now time to show you the video as an example and provide you the links for built your own leaf speaker

For several years, I am really excited about Hannah Perner-Wilson aka Plusea's textile circuits. Fortunately, I could join her workshop during the Schmiede 2013 and applied her textile speaker to a lead of a plant. First experiment worked well with conductive thread, which kinda harmed the leaf structure. Therefore, we experimented with conductive ink, too. The result was much quiter noise.

Information and tutorials for building your own leaf speaker:

Happy tinkering!

Making of Vom visuellen Gesicht zur Feldstudie

July 22nd, 2013 No comments

wasfuttern - making of - Part 2

Im ersten Teil der Making-Of Serie habe ich die Randbedingungen des Projektes vorgestellt und unser Verfahren mit Hilfe von MockUps die Struktur und den Inhalt unserer App zu definieren. In diesem Beitrag geht es um die visuelle Gestaltung, sprich das Grafik Design unserer Ap. Ein weiteres Thema sind die Ergebnisse unserer kleinen Feldstudie mit Freunden.

3. Eine Art Mischung von Corporate Design und Screen Design

Die Erstellung eines visuellen Gesicht war weniger ein technisches und gestalterisches Problem, es war eher ein Budgetproblem. An dieser Stelle mußten wir einen großen Spagat zwischen unseren Ansprüchen und den stark begrenzten Mitteln machen. Read more...

Making of Vom Mock-Up zum interaktiven Prototypen

July 14th, 2013 No comments

wasfuttern - making of - Part1

Seit Mitte/Ende Februar hat das Projekt das Licht der Welt erblickt. Mein frühiger Schulkollege Rusbeh kam vor ca. 1 Jahr auf mich zu mit seiner Antwort auf die alltägliche Frage "Was soll ich heute wo essen?". Jeder kennt sicherlich diese immer wieder auftretende Frage in der Mittagspause. In diesem Blogartikel gebe ich einen Einblick in unseren User-Centered Design Entstehungsprozess von