
Posts Tagged ‘flash’

The new YouTube AS3 Chromeless API in Flex, Air, Flash

October 27th, 2009 45 comments

I was very pleased that YouTube released a ActionScript 3 API for their Chromeless Player. I looked at some availabe code snippets on different blogs and unfortunateley, I had to realize that the API is not really object-oriented and a little bit annoying to work with (because of the missing code completion).

My current project - an independent Web Video Player - is still using the old workaround YouTube API Tubeloc and I have to change this. That is the reason why I created a Flex Component for the new YouTube AS3 API. If you would like to use my code for your Flex or Air projects, please feel free to use it and if you will find some bugs, please leave a comment!

Now I will start with some explanations of my code. I create 4 classes, which manage the whole YouTube Chromeless API. The class YouTubeAs3 contains all the most important functions and is based on the Flex Framework(!). The classes AirYouTube and FlexYouTube extends the YouTubeAs3 class. Both classes are Flex Framework based classes. I had to divide the YouTubeAs3 class into these 2 classes, because the Adobe Air environment don't support the command Security.allowDomain() and it is cleaner to use this command for a web-based projects. So therefore please use the FlexYouTube component for web-based projects and the AirYouTube component for your Air projects. The fourth class FlashYouTube is an only Flash plattform based class, that should be very handy to use for non-Flex projects. Read more...

Flash Indie Developer Part 1: Check your talents and skills!

October 13th, 2009 No comments

For every project you should check your skills before you start. It helps a lot for preventing possible problems and makes the life easier. Thus I highly recommend to do a self-assessment before your start as a Flash Independent Developer. After this self-assessment you should have a very clear picture about your abilities, skills and of course your weaknesses. It is very important that you know your weaknesses because you can outsource some of this problems to your network buddies.  An independent team-oriented working approach works in this case very well, because it replaces your weakness with a strength of another person. It works like the Captain Planet or the A-Team metaphor 😉

Skills-Mindmap Flash Independent Developer

Skills-Mindmap Flash Independent Developer

On the mindmap you can see the 4 core skills: Design, general knowledge about New Media, Programming (Computer Science) and soft skills. As an employee it is not so important that you have skills in each of these core skills, but as an Independent Developer you have to be an allrounder. gSkinner wrote a nice post about the must-have qualifications as a Flash Developer. I would like to add the points doing project management and creating networks to this list. An (Flash) Independent Developer has to be fancy to do project management tasks and get in touch with other people. If you don't like it, then you should not become an (Flash) Independent Developer! But I think the completely different charakter of the tasks make the life of an (Flash) Independent Developer so much more interesting.

Independent (Flash) Developer: Is it possible?!

October 5th, 2009 3 comments

A couple of months ago I started thinking about becoming an Independent (Flash) Developer. So I wrote a blog series in German about this topic. This blog series describes my idea behind the passion of an Independent (Flash) developer. Unfortunately, the feedback was quite less for me and zproxy is right, when he said I should write this in English because of the less size of German speaking flash developers and that it is also an interesting subject for all English speaking flash developer... So I decided to translate all my articles about this subject in English. Who is able to read German can have a look on the complete series here.

Firstly, before I started any activity into this direction of becoming an Independent (Flash) Developer, I had to define my personal idea of an Independet (Flash) Developer.

So my main goal is to do cool things with Flash or other Technologies, which I really enjoy to realize. That could be a Flash Game, or an open source library for a special problem or just a nice software or anything, what you can imagine.

After this process of creation I must have a product, which brings some money in my pocket, so that I am able to pay my rent and living costs. So the most important thing for me is that this product has a relation to things I love to do! The earning or the income plays minor role. I hope when you do cool things the money will come...

In addition to this, I thought freelancing could be the solution. Do some small projects, which are ok for me and spend the rest of my time with the cool things I would like to do... But later I noticed for me that is not the freedom I want to have. So I spent more and more time to find a nice solution and I think I found a  plan which could work. I am going to tell you the details in this blog series about the passions and opportunities of an Independent (Flash) Developer.

Comparing the job opportunities

Comparing the job opportunities

The information size of my solution is too big for one blog article, so I divided it in 10 parts. Every part explains a very important part of the Independent (Flash) Developers journey. I created a Mindmap for you which shows all subjects and relation beyond my blog series I am going to mention.

Meine wichtigsten Twitter Messages #2

September 9th, 2009 1 comment

Twitter von der hess
Hier eine kleine geordnete Zusammenfassung meiner wichtigsten Twittermeldungen:


Flash Game Frameworks, Classes and Libraries

September 4th, 2009 11 comments

More than 2 years ago I wrote a blog post about Flash Game Programming. Since this blog post until today a lot of actions happens in the Flash Game Community. Some Flash Game Developer created great classes, libraries and frameworks, which makes our life as a Flash Game Developer so much simpler. In this blog post I would like to give a short overview which tools are available at the moment.

General Frameworks & Classes

PushButton Engine PixelBlitz Engine Flixel Engine

In this category you can find tools, which solve some common problems like resource management, loading processes, screen management, level management and so on

Rendering and 3D Libraries

FFilmation Rendering PixelBlitz Engine Papervision3D

This topic handles the issues of visual renderings. Some renderers delivers nice editors for creating game levels

Physic Engines and Collision Detection

Collision Detection Kit JigLib 3d Physics FOAM Rigid Body Engine

You want to add almost realistic behaviour to your game. Here are some engines which helps you


Categories: english, Games Tags: , , ,

Vimeo Moogaloop in Flex – FlexVimeoPlayer Component

August 14th, 2009 15 comments

I was very happy after completing my extended VimeoPlayer Class, so happy that I had enough motivation to wrote a Flex Component. With my component it is now very easy to use the moogaloop API in Flex. The functionality features are the same as my VimeoPlayer class, except that I also support some Flex-based features (Data-Binding, updatedRendering).

I created a very ugly and simple Flex GUI Interface, which demonstrates the functionality of this Flex Component. The component has some useful attributes / properties and some Functions. Here a short overview:

FlexVimeoPlayer Properties:

FlexVimeoPlayer API Functions:

The API functions to control the vimeo player api are still the same, except the setSize() Function is not available anymore. You can use the width and height properties of the component as every other Flex Component. Here are the available functions: Read more...

Working with Vimeo Moogaloop API in Flash

August 12th, 2009 29 comments

The last weeks I dealt with the vimeo Moogaloop API. The documentation on the JavaScript and Flash API was not so well. But fortunately a couple days ago they updated the documentation for the JavaScript API and then for the Flash API. So now I am able to give an introduction how you can use the Moogaloop API in Flash. The guys from vimeo published a Videowrapper Class which handles the very very basic stuff of the vimeo video player. So you can easily import the vimeo video player in your Flash Projects and you are able to do basic functionality like play(), pause() and loading a new video. But if you wanted to create your own video player, this wrapper class doesnot go too far. So I did some analysis on the moogaloop.swf File and found some interesting functions, that solves some of the problems, which Robert Abramski described in his Blog post Vimeo Player and the Secret API.

In  my blog post I will describe how you can use my extended version of the VimeoWrapper class.  For a deeper inside of the analysis I will write another blog post. So here you can see the my “ugly vimeo Custom Player” as an example application.

A short explanation of the control buttons. Beginning with the left button :

  1. Play Button -> Play the vimeo video
  2. Pause Button -> Pause the vimeo video
  3. Blue Seek Button -> jump to a defined position at the video
  4. “C” Button -> Change the color of the vimeo video controls
  5. “V” Button -> Loading a new Video
  6. “F” Button -> Resize the vimeo video and the player (Fullscreen Mode)
  7. “M” Button -> Mute the video sound
  8. “U” Button -> Unload the vimeo video and stop the loading process
  9. “Q” Button -> destroy the VimeoPlayer Wrapper Class

Between the video and the controls you can see the duration and the currentTime of the Video and the VideoStatus of the File. Read more...

Meine wichtigsten Twitter Messages #1

July 27th, 2009 No comments

Twitter von der hess
Hier eine kleine geordnete Zusammenfassung meiner wichtigsten Twittermeldungen:





Flash Indie Developer Part 10: Abschluss

June 26th, 2009 5 comments

Ja es ist geschafft. Die Serie ist vorbei und ich denke Sie gibt einen guten Einblick, wie ein Independent (Flash) Developer Beruf aussehen könnte bzw. wie man damit auch überleben kann. Dennoch habe ich auf ein wenig mehr Feedback zu diesem Thema erwartet... Nun gut, es kann sein dass der deutschsprachige Raum für solch ein Vorhaben viel zu klein ist. So dass man diese Thematik eher im englischsprachigen Raum besprechen sollte und einige Produkte auf jeden Fall in englischer und deutscher Sprache veröffentlicht, wie z.B. die Flash Games.

Ich werde dieses Thema nochmals in eins, zwei Foren ansprechen und bin dort mal auf das Feedback gespannt. Hoffentlich ist es ein wenig aktiver als hier 😉

Mein Bruder hat mich noch auf eine gute Idee gebracht. Da diese ganze Sache sehr netzwerkabhängig ist, also wer kennt wen mit welchen Skills, wäre eine Kommunikationsplattform für Independent (Flash) Developer sehr hilfreich. Bisher habe ich noch keine solche Plattform gefunden, ausser wie in dem Flash Game Artikel erwähnt für Flash Game Projekte...

Wer sich also für die Thematik des unabhängigen Entwickelns interessiert, kann mich sehr gerne kontaktieren. Ich freu mich über jeden Austausch.

Zu guter Letzt nochmal alle Artikel aufgelistet:

Categories: Gedanken Tags: , , ,

Flash Indie Developer Part 8: Verkaufe deine digitalen Produkte

June 15th, 2009 9 comments

Mindmap digitale Produkte

Mindmap digitale Produkte

In den vorherigen Artikel wurde darüber berichtet, wie wir Geld mit Flash Games, Online Werbung und Schulungen verdienen können. In diesem Artikel beschreibe ich nun den vielleicht hoffnungsvollsten Einkommensansatz in unserem Produktportfolio. Den Verkauf von digitalen Produkten. Dabei unterteilen wir die möglichen digitalen Produkte in 3 Kategorien:


  • Software & Widgets
  • Media Assets (digitales Rohmaterial)
  • Transformierte digitale Produkte ins physische Produkt


Software & Widgets

adobeairmarketplace nokiaovistore

Unter diesen Bereich verstehe ich kleine Anwendungen und Utility-Programme (Hilfsprogramme), die unseren Alltag sei es im Privaten oder im Berufsleben erleichtern. Apple machte mit dem iPhone App Store den ersten Schritt zu einer einheitlichen Vertriebsplattform für ihre iPhone Applications. Dies hat einige Vorteile aus Kunden- und Entwicklersicht. Die Kunden besitzen einen Ort, wo sie eine Fülle von Applikationen beziehen können und der ganze Kaufabwicklungsprozess ist durch den AppStore von Apple seriös gelöst. Wir Entwickler besitzen einen Ort wo wir unsere Anwendungen vielen Kunden anbieten können, und müssen uns nicht um eine eigenes Abrechnungssystem kümmern. Besonders für kleine Entwicklerstudios ist dies ein immenser Gewinn und ermöglicht ganz neue Geschäftsmodelle (siehe Independent Developer 😉 Nun gut, die Konkurrenz schläft zum Glück nicht und Adobe und Nokia ziehen mit ihren eigenen Distributionssystemen nach. Adobe Air Anwendungen für den Desktopbereich können auf dem Air Marketplace vertrieben werden. Für mobile Lösungen bietet Adobe einen kostenlosen(!) Flash Lite Distrubitable Player an, der uns den Vertrieb von Flash Lite Anwendungen sehr erleichtern wird. Nokia bietet dagegen mit ihren OVI Store uns eine richtige Vertriebsplattform ähnlich dem AppStore Prinzip von Apple an. Hin und wieder kann auch die Plattform von Interesse für mobile Applikationen oder Playyoo für mobile Flash Games sein.


Categories: Gedanken Tags: , , , , ,